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Workout of the Day Monday Sept 14, 2020
It's Monday people! Let's make it happen! Strength: Every 90secs x 5 Rounds 5 Deadlifts * increase weight each...
Eric Wood-Salomon
September 13, 2020
Workout of the Day Saturday Sept 12, 2020
Conditioning: 3 Rounds 3 min AMRAP 3 Alt DB Hang Power Snatches each arm 6 Pushups 9 Air squats 1 min. Rest...
Eric Wood-Salomon
September 12, 2020
Workout of the Day Friday Sept 11, 2020
Strength: Every 90secs x 5 Rounds 3 Hang Power Snatches 5 Strict Pull ups Conditioning: 3 rounds for time of:...
Eric Wood-Salomon
September 11, 2020
Workout of the Day Wednesday Sept 9, 2020
"The ability to concentrate single-mindedly on your most important task, to do it well and finish it completely, is...
Eric Wood-Salomon
September 8, 2020
Workout of the Day Monday Sept 7, 2020
Strength: Ever 90secs x 5 Rounds 6 Push Press 10 Barbell Row Conditioning: 20 min AMRAP 5 Heavy Front...
Eric Wood-Salomon
September 6, 2020
Workout of the Day Sept 5, 2020
At - Home Version Conditioning: 4 Rounds 3min AMRAP 2:00 cardio Max Dumbbell Push Press 1 min. Rest Rest...
Eric Wood-Salomon
September 4, 2020
Workout of the Day Friday Sept 4, 2020
Time for fitness people! Let's finsih the week strong and crush this workout. Here's the gameplan for tomorrow: ...
Eric Wood-Salomon
September 3, 2020
Workout of the Day Wednesday Sept 2, 2020
Hey Team, Here is the gameplan for today. Prepare for greatness! Strength: E2MOM x 10 5-5-5-5-20 Back Squat Find...
Eric Wood-Salomon
September 2, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020 ... Here we GOOOO!
Hey Team, well this is blog post numero uno for our new website (a work in progress to be sure). From now on we...
Eric Wood-Salomon
August 30, 2020