Training Day

It's time to put in the WORK!

EMOM x 5 Rounds
5 Push Press @ 75%
Row 1:00/1:00 
1:00 Fast
1:00 Recovery Pace 
Repeat for 5 Rounds
Conditioning: Every 4 min x 5 Rounds
40 Double Unders
20 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch
20 Wall Balls
*Score is SLOWEST round

At Home Workout


EMOM x 5 Rounds
15 Push Press
Cardio 1:00/1:00
1:00 Fast 
1:00 Recovery Pace 
Repeat for 5 Rounds
Conditioning: Every 4 min x 5 Rounds
40 Dip Jumps
20 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch
20 DB Squats