Strength: Every 90secs x 5 Rounds
3 Hang Snatches
6 Pull-ups
Conditioning: Tabata Party AMRAP
8 rounds
20sec of Overhead Squats
10sec rest
8 rounds
20sec of Toes to bar
10sec rest
8 rounds
20sec of Cal Row/Bike
10sec rest
8 rounds
20sec of KBS
10sec rest
*1:00 rest between movements 
At - Home Version
Strength: Every 90secs x 5 Rounds
12 Alt DB Hang Snatches
12 DB Row
Conditioning: Tabata Party AMRAP
8 rounds
20sec Broomstick overhead squats
10sec rest
8 rounds
20sec of Leg levers
10sec rest
8 rounds
20sec run/row/bike/skip
10sec rest
8 rounds
20sec of KBS/DB Swings
10sec rest
*1:00 rest between stations
Eric Wood-Salomon

Eric Wood-Salomon

Owner, Physiotherapist

Contact Me