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EMOM x 6min.
12/10 Cal Row
EMOM x 6min. (in the same min)
1 Burpee
5 Single DB Push Press
5 Wall Balls 20/14
EMOM x 6min.
12/10 Cal Bike
EMOM x 6min. (in the same min)
1 Burpee
5 Single DB Push Press
5 Wall Balls 20/14
Rest 2min. After Each EMOM

Home Version

EMOM x 6min.
12/10 Cals 0:45 of cardio
EMOM x 6min. (in the same min)
1 Burpee
5 Single DB Push Press
5 Single DB Squats
EMOM x 6min.
12/10 Cal Bike
EMOM x 6min. (in the same min)
1 Burpee
5 Single DB Push Press
5 Single DB Squats
Rest 2min. After Each EMOM