Strength: Shoulder Complex E2MOM X 3
1 Rep is:
2 Strict Press
3 Push Press
4 Split Jerk
Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.
Conditioning: (AMRAP - Reps)
3min. AMRAP:
10 American KB Swings
10 Cal Row
Rest 1min. Repeat For 5 Total Rounds.
Round 1: As written above
Round 2: 10 Air Squats + 10 Cal Row
Round 3: As written above
Round 4: 10 Air Squats + 10 Cal Row
Round 5: As written above
Nice little couplet here. Can you get the same amount of rounds and reps on the last round as your first!?
For scoring purposes, start where you left off going into the next round.
*Make sure you are alternating between air squats and KB Swings each round :)
At - Home Version
Strength: Shoulder Complex E2MOM x 3
1 Rep is:
2 Dumbbell Strict Press
3 Dumbbell Push Press
4 Dumbbell Split Jerk
Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.
Conditioning: (AMRAP - Reps)
3min. AMRAP:
10 American KB Swings
10 Up Downs
Rest 1min. Repeat For 5 Total Rounds.
Round 1: As written above
Round 2: 10 Air Squats + 10 Up Downs
Round 3: As written above
Round 4: 10 Air Squats + 10 Up Downs
Round 5: As written above