Strength: Every 2:30 x 8 Rounds:
250m Row
8 High Knee Raises
* Bench Press (climbing)
Rounds 1-3: 8 Bench Press
Rounds 4-6: 5 Bench Press
Rounds 7-8: 3 Bench Press
Conditioning: 9min. to finish....
75 Push Jerks/Press (95/45lb.)
EMOM complete 8 American KB Swings.
*Start with KBS
At - Home Version
Strength: Every 2:30 x 8 Rounds:
1:30 Cardio
8 Leg Levers
* Floor Press
Rounds 1-3: 15 Floor Press
Rounds 4-6: 12 Floor Press
Rounds 7-8: 9 Floor Press
Conditioning: 9min. to finish....
100 DB Push Press
EMOM complete 8 American KB Swings.
*Start with KBS

Eric Wood-Salomon

Eric Wood-Salomon

Owner, Physiotherapist

Contact Me