Every year I will do a fitness and lifestyle "re-set" to clean up my eating, training and set goals for the other areas of my life. If we don't do this consistently we tend to drift each year to destinations we did not intend. Like eating too much, spending too much, screen time too much ... you see the trend. The key is to hit the brakes on that nose-dive, and pull up! 

So what does it look like to stop the drift? The key is taking action... ACTION is the key to success. Not thinking about it, reading about it, or talking about it ...We have to BE ABOUT IT. We have to DO the things that will get us the results we want.

I am going to focus on those things over the next four weeks, but here they are in a condensed version:

1) NUTRITION: Eat real food, not too much and avoid the poisons (drugs and alcohol)

2) EXERCISE: Exercise for 30 minutes every day. Walking, strength training, cardio, core work. This has to be active. Stretching doesn't count (but you could stretch after the 30 minutes if you wanted to!).

3) MINDSET: Two components here - First, read 10 pages of a personal development book and write down ONE takeaway (one thing you learned from those 10 pages). Second, write in your prayer/gratitude journal one thing you are praying/grateful for in the morning and one thing you are praying/grateful for in the evening before bed. 

4) SLEEP: 7 hours per night during the workweek and 8 hours a night on the weekend. 

Nutrition and exercise are the keys to success so it will get the bulk of our focus and attention. I am condensing this as much as possible so that all you need to do is follow the instructions. And Just DO IT!!

If you are ready to take action but know you need some help with the accountability piece. We are here for you. Personal training at REBUILD is a way to take immediate action and course-correct for 2025. Call or email us to set up your first workout! 

We have PERSONAL TRAINING appointment times available: M,W,F 7:00AM-2:00PM and:

Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 7:00PM

Its time to TRAIN!



Eric Wood-Salomon

Eric Wood-Salomon

Owner, Physiotherapist

Contact Me