Part 1.) Conditioning + Core

50sec. Plank

50 Jumping Jacks

50sec. Plank

50 Jumping Jacks

50sec. Plank

Part 2) Full Body Circuit

3min. AMRAP:
4 Up Downs
8 Crossbody Toe Touches (L+R=2)
12 Lateral Lunges  (L+R=2)

Rest 1min. Repeat for 5 Total Rounds. (20min. Total)


Part 3) Core Burner

Accumulate 3min. of a "Hollow Hold

*Go as long you can on the first hold. Then keep chipping away at whatever is left with as little rest breaks as possible. Make it hurt! Have your phone stopwatch nearby so you can pause when/if you fail a set

Eric Wood-Salomon

Eric Wood-Salomon

Owner, Physiotherapist

Contact Me