Strength: Every 90secs x 5 Rounds
5 Back Squats
10 Plank walkouts
Conditioning: Every 5min x 3 Rounds:
15 Thrusters
400m row
15 Pull ups
*Get each round done as fast as possible. This is not meant to be a type of EMOM. Goal is to have a lot of rest each time. But it needs to earned and try to stay within 10-20secs of each round at the highest intensity possible.
*Score is Slowest round

At Home Workout

Strength: Every 90secs x 5 Rounds
10 DB Step Ups
10 Plank walkouts
Conditioning: Every 5min x 3 Rounds:
15 DB Thrusters
3:00 Cardio
15 DB Rows