Don't Poke the Bear Complex

Strength: Every 90 secs x 5 Rounds
1 Bear Complex is:
1 Power clean +
1 Front squat +
1 Push press +
1 Back squat +
1 Behind the neck push press
Conditioning: 3 min AMRAP x Four Rounds 
3 Pull ups
6 Push ups
12 Air Squats
1min Recovery 

At Home Bear Complex

Strength: Every 90 secs x 5 Rounds
1 At Home Bear Complex is: 
5 DB Power Clean +
5 DB Front Squat + 
5 DB Push Press +
5 DB Front Squat +
5 DB Push Press
Conditioning: 3 min AMRAP x Four Rounds 
3 Push ups 
6 DB Row
12 Air Squats
1min Recovery