Strength: E3MOM x 4 Rounds
8 Deadlifts (Increasing weight)
Superset with:
1 min Planks
Conditioning: Fight Gone Bad Style!
1min. of Barbell Floor Press
1min. of Rowing For Max Cals
1min. of Wall Balls
1min. of KB Swings
1min. of REST.
Repeat For 3 TOTAL Rounds
There is no transition time between stations so be sure to have all of your stuff close by! Gotta move QUICK + FAST! Excited to see these scores!

At Home Version

Strength: E3MOM x 4 Rounds
15 DB Deadlifts
Superset with:
1 min Planks
Conditioning: Fight Gone Bad Style!
1min. of DB Floor Press
1min. of Cardio
1min. of Single DB Thrusters
1min. of KB Swings
1min. of REST.
Repeat For 3 TOTAL Rounds
There is no transition time between stations so be sure to have all of your stuff close by! Gotta move QUICK + FAST! Excited to see these scores!