Metcon (Time)
35min. to finish...
50 Cals of Choice
40 Russian KB Swings (light weight)
30 Cals of Choice
20 Russian KB Swings
10 Cals of Choice
20 Russian KB Swings
30 Cals of Choice
40 Russian KB Swings
50 Cals of Choice
*10 Leg Levers After EVERY station.
(So after you finish 50 cals, do 10 Leg Levers, then after 40 KB Swings, do 10 more Leg Levers , and so on...)

At Home Version

Metcon (Time)
35min. to finish...
4:00 of Cardio
40 Russian KB Swings (light weight)
3:00 of Cardio
20 Russian KB Swings
2:00 of Cardio
20 Russian KB Swings
3:00 of Cardio
40 Russian KB Swings
4:00 of Cardio
*10 Leg Levers After EVERY station.
(So after you finish 50 cals, do 10 Leg Levers, then after 40 KB Swings, do 10 more Leg Levers , and so on...)