Michael Lok obtained both an Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology Degree (2008) and a Masters of Arts in Kinesiology (2011) from the University of Western Ontario. He acquired a Masters of Science in Physiotherapy at Dalhousie University (2013).
Post-grad, Michael worked as a lab instructor at Dalhousie, educating cardiorespiratory and orthopedic physiotherapy students. During his studies, Michael discovered his passion for fitness and rehabilitation. This is demonstrated through his work as a strength and conditioning coach (certifications from the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology and National Strength and Conditioning Association) and an athletic trainer for college varsity basketball. Michael has contributed to research with published works in the areas of psychology and sport.
Michael has a friendly and charismatic approach to physiotherapy. His progressive style of treatment integrates the usage of client-education, manual-therapy techniques, body mechanics and posture. Through functional movement and exercise the client will take an active role in his/her recovery. In addition to improving one’s current condition, Michael believes that treatment is most effective when the client is empowered with the knowledge and tools to prevent future injury.
Michael’s post-graduate education includes:
*Level One Orthopedic Manual Therapy
*McGill techniques for the lumbar spine